Friday, August 30, 2013

Cix and his team mate need your support!!! (North Shore Stallions) 

 This is Cix Michael O'Domes TeamPlayer of the North Shore Stallions.  Cix (pronounced as SIX) and his team mates need your help to keep their organization alive. Children 2 Champions.  Children 2 Champions North Shore Stallions is a non-profit 501c3 organization located on the North Side of Pittsburgh.  This organization is solely administered by volunteers.  Children 2 Champions is commited to building a strong community that will have a positive impact for our children.  
   This season Children 2 Champions will have over 170 children between the ages of 5 & 14, keeping them busy, learning and off the streets.  Our organization is asking for help from all communities to help us with our cause.  
    North Shore Stallions needs your support!
 - Stadium Cost, Security, Equipment, Storage, Liability/insurance, referees and transportation.
   All contributions are tax deductable.  We appreciate your time and consideration, we look forward to working with the community to strengthen our youths future.
   All donations and contributions should be made payable to:
Children 2 Champions  
P.O. Box 99636
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15233

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